Every card to be unlocked will possess ratings from 1 to 5, higher the number more powerful character will be unlocked. In the beginning, you will not have all the titles and you can earn them in different missions, fight to unravel these cards.
The game will introduce all the characters from previous versions all the titles have been reused like Kamen rider 1, Kamen Rider 2, Kamen rider stronger, Kamen rider Kabuto, Kamen rider den-o, etc. When the city grows, the power of your character increases as well. In this game, you will be reawoken from sleep and become the legend Kamen rider who will be fighting enemies to get materials to construct your own town. Some of the main features have been discussed in this article to highlight why this game is being loved all over. For mobile, Kamen rider city wars which have been attached to their episodes. These products of Bandai have been successful and got appreciated all over the globe. Just like Digimon, Kamen rider too has a special place in every child’s heart.